Mike King Availability List 2019
Thanks for your interest in the Mike King Sarracenia import. There are 2 ways to reserve plants from Mike King.
Select plants that are currently available in the list below. Email Mike your requests at mikeking64@btinternet.com and mention that you were referred by Carnivero.
For plants in higher demand that are on Mike King’s growlist but not currently on the availability list below, you’ll have to send Mike your requests and be put on a wish list (his email is mikeking64@btinternet.com). Mike will notify you when the plant is available. Mike's website is http://www.carnivorousplants.
uk.com. The gallery is being updated but you can find photos of many of his plants on the web.
Payment for the plants goes directly to Mike King. Carnivero charges a per plant import fee (generally around $7 USD depending on the overall number of plants coming in) which takes care of all the import permits, duty, customs paperwork, and international shipping. You pay these funds to Carnivero. Once the plants arrive to us, they will be forwarded via USPS priority mail to you. This generally happens in late March.
Below is Mike's list of currently available plants for 2019.
Carnivorous Plant Price List,
Dionaea muscipula (Venus’s Flytrap)
Typical form, mature £5
Clones and forms:
Sarracenia Pitcher Plants
Species and forms
Sarracenia alata (Pale Pitcher Plant)
var. alata
A6 George Co. MS (WS). Very large form. Medium £8, small medium £7
A7 Pubescent form. Mature £8, small medium £5
A9 Cream white flowers. Large mature £9, mature £7
A18 Yellow flowers, Citronelle, AL. Mature £8, large medium £6
A19 Pale flowers, Citronelle, AL. Medium £4
A34 Lightly veined pubescent form, Citronelle, AL. Mature £9, large medium £8
A50 Light vein. Clone from Andrew Marshall in the USA. Medium £5
A51 Angelina Co, TX. Medium £5
A52B Tall, pubescent form, George Co. MS. Mature £7
A53 Large form, Whites Crossing, State road 26/15 intersection, Desoto National Forest. Vigorous! Mature £7
A54 Light veins, Jackson Co. MS. Mature £6, medium £4
A61C Big Thicket, TX. Mature £7, medium £5
var. ornata Heavily veined form.
A16 Heavily veined form, Hill top lakes, TX. Large medium £7, medium £6, small £4
var. rubrioperculata (red lid/maroon throat forms)
A1 Red lid, tall, robust bulbous pitchers. Mature £10
A3 Red lidded form, De Soto National Forest, MS (W). Large medium £9, small medium £6
A35 Red lidded form. Plant also shows distant hybridisation with S. leucophylla. Large medium £6
A43 Red lid, De Soto National Forest, MS. Large medium £7, medium £5
A50 Red lid later in season, light vein. Clone from Andrew Marshall in the USA. Medium £5
A55 Red lid, heavy vein. Intersection of state road 15 and 26, Stone Co. MS. Mature £7, large medium £5
A56 Large form, red lid, heavily veined tube. White's Crossing (State road 15 and 26 intersection), Stone Co.,MS. Mature £8
Sarracenia flava Yellow trumpet
var. atropurpurea All red form
F152 var. atropurpurea Introgression evident in flower with blush orange petals, Phil Sheridan. Small £7
var. cuprea Copper lidded form
F231 Plant imported from Botanique. Nurseries in the USA. £6
var. flava Typical form, splotch of colour in the throat with a few emanating veins
F5 Dahlia bog,VA.. (W) Tall slender pitchers to 100 cm. Large medium £9, small medium £7
F183B Honeysuckle Road, Harleyville SC,(WS). Large medium £9
var. maxima Upper pitchers are pure green
F1 Green form, North Carolina. Small medium £6
var. ornata Heavily veined upper pitchers
F46 Stocky, large lid and medium veins. Apalachicola National forest, FL (W). Medium £9, small medium £7
F73 Gulf Coast form. Fine veins, dark red throat. Small medium £7, small £6
F78 Pender Co., North Carolina (W). Small £6
F86 Plant imported from Cook’s Carnivorous plants, USA. Medium £9, small £6
F123 Heavily veined, North Carolina. Small £6
F168C var. ornata Sumatra, Apalachicola National Forest, FL. Very heavily veined inner lid. Small £6
F170B var. ornata Large throat patch, Sandy Creek Rd, 2nd Site, FL, (WS). Large medium £10
F170Mvar. ornata Sandy Creek Rd, 2nd Site, FL, (WS). Mature £10
F176B var. ornata Sandy Creek Rd, 2nd Site, FL. Small medium £6
F176H var. ornata Sandy Creek Rd, 2nd Site, FL. Large medium £9
F176M var. ornata Sandy Creek Rd, 2nd Site, FL. Mature £10
F176P var. ornata Sandy Creek Rd, 2nd Site, FL. Medium £8
F180 Sandy Creek, FL. Mature £10, medium £8
F236 var. ornata, Blackwater River State Forest Park, FL. Small £6
F246 var ornata Sandy Creek Road, FL. Large medium £10, medium £9,
F247 var. ornata. Sandy Creek Road, FL. Plant has a bright red throat. Large medium £12
F251 var. ornata Sumatra, FL. Small medium £7
var. rubricorpora Red tube variety
F19 Red tube, Apalachicola National forest Park, Florida. Original Alan Hindle clone (W). Small medium £7
F23 Giant Red Tube Apalachicola National Forest (W) Tall maroon pitchers. Medium £9, small £6
F25D ‘Claret’. Plant obtained from Andy Bullock in 2005. Mature £13, medium £9
F26 ‘Burgundy’. The actual clone from Adrian Slack’s book ‘Insect Eating plants and how to grow them’. Tall pitchers, pale tan interior. Small £7
F43 Purple tube, Milton, FL. (W) Orange slender wavy lidded pitchers which tinge purple when grown in very direct light. Small medium £7
F44 Purple tube, Milton, FL. (W). Maroon pitcher with a strong throat patch. Small medium £9, small £7
F71 Giant red tube, Apalachicola National Forest, FL. (W). Tall plant originally from Alan Hindle. Medium £9
F76 Apalachicola National Forest, FL. (W). Medium £8, small £7
F97 Giant red tube, Apalachicola National Forest, FL. (W). Medium £9, small medium £8
F105 Apalachicola National Forest, WS,(AH). Large pitchers, orange blush upper tube. Medium £9, small £7
F110 var. rubricorpora, Apalachicola National Forest, FL. Giant red tube, W (PM,F39A). Small medium £8, small £7
F112 Giant red tube, Apalachicola National Forest (W), small £7
F139 var. rubricorpora, Apalachicola National Forest, FL. W, (Cone no.13,SM). Small medium £8
F161 Apalachicola National Forest, FL. Medium £9, small medium £7, small £6
F186 var. rubricorpora, Wewahitchka,W,(AH). Very dark maroon pitchers. Small medium £10
F235 North Carolina.(W). Ex Alan Hindle clone. Small medium £7, small £6
F260 var. rubricorpora. Orange tube. Medium £9
F287 Tall form, large throat patch. Sumatra, FL. Large medium £13, medium £11
var. rugelii Green/yellow pitchers with a red splotch of colour in the throat.
F14B Large form, Apalachicola National Forest, (W). Large medium £12, small medium £7
F16 Milton,W,(F63,JA). Small medium £7
F17 Copper tinged in early growth. 1 plant discovered near Milton, Florida has a copper tint to the emerging growth and young opened pitchers (W). Small medium £7, small £6
F50 var. rugelii Milton,FL Clone 3. Large medium £10
F53 Clone 6, Milton FL (W). Has an attractive horizontal splash of colour particularly when viewed from the side. Mature £12, medium £9, small medium £7
F54 var. rugelii Clone 7, Large flat wavy lid. Milton FL. Small medium £7
F59 var. rugelii Milton,FL, Very large form. Pat Barnes. Large medium £10, medium £8, small medium £7
F129 var. rugelii.. Plant bought from Marston Exotics in 1993. Medium £8
F140A var. rugelii, Telogia, FL. (WS). Huge plant with a ‘pointed’ hood. Mature £13, small medium £8
F147 Bruce Bednar sold this Plant in the USA as ‘maxima’. Mature £12, large medium £10
F165C var. rugelii Cooks Bayou, FL,(WS). Large medium £9
F175A var. rugelii Crestview, FL. Very tall grower. Small medium £7
F175B var. rugelii Crestview, FL. Small medium £6
F182B Fall line, Edmund, SC, (WS). Mature £10, medium £8
F182F Fall line, Edmund, SC, (WS). Large medium £9
F191 var.rugelii Apalachicola National Forest. Alan Hindle seedling. Small £5
Sarracenia leucophylla White Trumpet
L6 Large form, Perdido, AL. Large autumn pitchers. Small medium £7
L8 Red and white form, South Alabama. Mature £10. medium £8, small £6
L13 Large white top, green veins, Perdido, AL. (W). Mature £14
L14 Red/white, Russell Rd, AL. Yellow flowers. Large medium £12, small £7
L20A Large red & white, Baldwin Co. AL (W). Large medium £10
L20B Green and red veined. Baldwin Co. AL, (W). Mature £11, medium £9L20C Very tall form, Baldwin Co. AL (W). Mature £10, medium £8, small medium £7, small £6
L21 Green & white form, Pedido, AL. Large medium £9
L38 Pubescent form, Citronelle, AL, (W). Small medium £8, small £6
L39A Red & white, Citronelle. AL (W). Large white top, fine red veined pitchers, distant hybridisation evident with a rose pink flower. Large medium £11, small medium £9
L46B f.viridescens. Green, anthocyanin free form. Clone from Andrew Marshall of the USA. Small medium £8, small £7
L53 Plant is clearly an introgressed hybrid with pink interior to the pitchers. Lovely! Small £6
L60A Large green & white form, Gas Station site, South West of Perdido, AL. Large medium £12
L61 Red & white form, Crestview, FL. Small medium £7, small £6
L66 Red & White, Bert Blezer. Large medium £9, medium £8, small medium £7
L75 Chipola River, FL. Small £6
L83 Red & white form, Crestview, FL. Mature £12, medium £9, small medium £7, small £6
L91 Red & White, from Thomas Carow. Medium £9
L95 Large form, Gulf Breeze, FL. Large medium £10
L97 Green & white form, Ben’s Bog, Baldwin Co., AL. Mature £11
L108 Green & white, white throat. Large medium £10, small medium £8
L112 Red lip, red & white form, from Mirek Srba. Mature £12
L113 Ben’s Bog, Baldwin Co., AL, Medium £8
L116 Stocky clone from Stephen Morley. Large medium £11
L117 Dark veined form. Medium £11
L125 Aidan Selwyn clone no. SL05. Large medium £9
L136C Own cross between L18 x L19. Inner lid flushed with pink. Mature £14
L137 Green and white, Hall farm Nurseries. Large medium £10, small medium £7
Sarracenia minor Hooded pitcher plant,
M2 North Florida. Mature £9, large medium £8, medium £7, small £6
M9 var. okefenokeensis, Upper pitchers a deep copper colour in full light. Small medium £8
M30 Long lidded form. Large medium £9, medium £8
Sarracenia oreophila Green trumpet pitcher plant
O7 var. ornata. Very heavily veined, Sand Hills, AL. Small medium £7
O11 Pietro Paulo clone. Mature £9
O14 Walker clone. Large medium £8, small £4
O22 var. oreophila. Very tall form. Small medium £8
Sarracenia psittacina Parrot pitcher plant
PS11B Red flower. Large medium £7
Sarracenia purpurea subsp. purpurea Purple pitcher plant
PP6 Vigorous form. Mature £9, medium £7
Sarracenia rubra (Sweet trumpet)
subsp. rubra
RR4 Long lidded form, NC. Mature £8, large medium £6
RR7 Typical form. Small medium £3
RR11B Very large form, Taylor Co., GA. Large medium £9
RR12 Board walk site, Green Swamp, Brunswick Co.,NC. Mature £6, large medium £5, medium £4
subsp. jonesii
RJ2 f.viridescens. Green, anthocyanin free form. Mature £9
RJ3 f.viridescens. Green, anthocyanin free form, Etowah, NC. Medium £7, small medium £6
RJ4 North Carolina. Medium £6
RJ5 Pickens Co. South Carolina. Medium £7, small medium £6, small £5
subsp. alabamensis
RA3 Thorsby, AL. Large medium £6, medium £4
RA5 ICPS location AL003. Large and stocky autumn pitchers. Mature £7, medium £5, small medium £4
subsp. gulfensis
RG1 f. luteoviridis. Green, anthocyanin free form, Yellow River, FL. Medium £5, small medium £4
RG2 Stocky form, Yellow River, FL. Large medium £6, medium £4
RG3 Vigorous, robust clone, Hall Farm Nurseries. Mature £7, medium £5
RG4 Typical, similar to RG3. Large medium £6
RG5 Veined form, Yellow River, FL. Mature £7, medium £4
RG6 Crestview, FL. Medium £4
RG10 Plant imported from the USA in 1970s by Dave Taylor. Large medium £6, medium £5
subsp. wherryi
RW7 Escambia Co, FL, large growing, wavy lidded form. Mature £6
RW8 Perdido, AL. Mature £6, large medium £5
RW11 Yellow flower, plant from Andrew Marshall, USA. Mature £6, large medium £4
RW13B Orange/yellow flower. Medium £4
RW13D Orange/yellow flower. Medium £4
Sarracenia Hybrids
H2 "Diane Whittaker" (My own naming). Parentage excellens x leucophylla. Plants are tall with flushed pink where one would see white with leucophylla. This pink deepens with the 2nd crop of pitchers in autumn giving the plant a very striking appearance. Mature £12, medium £9, small medium £7
H7 'Brooks’ Hybrid' Tall pitchers to 3 1/2 feet. Possibly one of the tallest Sarracenia clones. Mature £11, large medium £9
H14 Sarracenia x umlauftiana x leucophylla. Pitchers similar shape to x courtii, but with white hoods. Small medium £7
H21B S. x courtii, Green (AM) (Anthoccyanin free). Small medium £8
H28 rubra ssp ? x leuco. Heavily veined with red inner lid. Mature £6, medium £4
H33 S alata x leucophylla. Pitchers like alata, but with clear influence from leucophylla. Plant is likely a wild plant which is showing introgression from leucophylla. Yellow flowers. Medium £8
H39 S x belli looks like a wavy lidded, giant gulfensis plant with pitchers nearly 2ft tall (60 cm). Large medium £8
H43 S. x areolata Tall, wavy lidded pitchers, , from Andrew Marshall in the USA, very pale low pigment. Large mature £9, mature £8
H48 psittacina green x rubra subsp. gulfensis green. Small medium £7
H49E S. x formosa (minor x psittacina). Large medium £7
H50 leucophylla green x rubra subsp. gulfensis green. Anthocyanin free plant. Large autumn pitchers. Mature £10, medium £8, small £6