New Carnivorous Plant Assortment Kit 💐

Alocasia cuprea 'Red Secret', Jewel Alocasia

Regular price $18.00

This tropical aroid's large, metallic leaves make it a great addition to any collection.   The iridescent leaves emerge a copper, green with a light pink sheen. As the leaves mature, the green color deepens but the pink remains opalescent, becoming more noticeable as light reflects off the leaf. Mature leaves are deeply corrugated with the recessed veins  appearing nearly black at some angles, which offers a stunning contrast to the rich satiny maroon color of the leaf undersides. 

Jewel Alocasia thrive in bright light indoors and part sun - shade outdoors. When growing inside, supplemental light and humidity would be appreciated to encourage new growth. Jewel Alocasia must be brought inside when temperatures drop below 55 and they don't appreciate being much over 90 degrees.  These plants prefer a very well drained media and will not tolerate consistently wet conditions.  We use our standard aroid mix, which consists of 5:2:1 leached coconut chips:perlite: sphagnum moss.  Good drainage is key to keeping Alocasia happy long term.  Avoid root/corm issues by allowing the media to fully dry out between waterings.

This product is considered an Intermediate Tropical plant.  Please see our Aroid Shipping guidelines and Shipping and Guarantees policy.

Most of our products come with multiple shipping options.  For those that are unpotted, you can add Pots and Soil a la carte.

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