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Monstera esqueleto

Regular price $24.99

Monstera esqueleto (formerly epipremnoides) has incredible fenestrated leaves which increase in size as the plant matures.  Though the fenestrations are not quite as elaborate as the famous Monstera obliqua, they come close but the plant itself is much larger in stature and is a much more tolerant and vigorous grower.

Like most Monstera, this variety prefers moist but well-draining soil and some humidity. As it climbs, it should be staked or allowed to climb up moss poles.  In higher humidity environments, numerous aerial roots will form which gives the plants a beautiful look.

Plants for sale are well rooted cuttings from our mother plants.

This product is considered an Intermediate Tropical plant.  Please see our Aroid Shipping guidelines and Shipping and Guarantees policy.

Most of our products come with multiple shipping options.  For those that are unpotted, you can add Pots and Soil a la carte.

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